ab 20h Kurzfilme (Programmierung - Sebastian Brameshuber)
* preserving cultural traditions in a period of instability (fordbrothers, 2004)
* bloodsample (fordbrothers, 2004)
* girls & cars remixed (fordbrotheres, 2004)
* are the angels pretty (fordbrothers, 2006)
* keynote (fordbrothers, 2006)
* metropolen des leichtsinns (thomas draschan, 2000)
* to the happy few (thomas draschan, 2003)
* untitled_in_case_no_1 (markus oberndorfer, 2006)
* die josef-trilogie (thomas woschitz, 1995-2004)
ab 23h DJ Rawbird (Werk/Statt/Norm) & Roman Rauch (GenerellDeep)
a r t i s t s
- Sebastian Brahmeshuber
- Robert Zopf
location / organization
Cabaret Renz
Zirkusgasse 50, 1020 Wien
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