F e m a l e T a k e o v e r - f f
05.09.2001, 15:30 - 05.09.2001, 17:30
 >>>>>> 'F e m a l e T a k e o v e r - f f ' <<<<<<<
Is the artistic practice of women challenged by the current hegemony?
The 'Female Takeover - ff' will question this topic in theory and
practice with a snapshot exhibtion, artists presentations and a panel
discussion. Techniques of feminist practice in net-art, like the
decisive works of pioneers in the WWW, will be compared with strategies
of young artists who are evolving a more general, quite open and often
ironic way of discussing and dealing with supposed feminist questions.
Participating Artist:
Nine Budde/D, Cornelia Sollfrank/D; Snergurutschka/A,
Faith Wilding/USA, Cue P. Doll/USA
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Panel I
Wednesday / Mittwoch, 5 September
15:30 - 17:30 T.O.C. / Kunst-Uni
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Women will present actual examples of their artistic work to discuss
their 'feminist' strategies, methods and artistic experience.
Nine Budde/D, Flora&Fauna/D/UK, Cornelia Sollfrank/D; Snergurutschka/A,
Faith Wilding/USA,
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Panel II
Wednesday / Mittwoch, 5 September
18:30 - 20:30 T.O.C. / Kunst-Uni
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>>> How are visions and artistic strategies seen in the context of
feminisitic discourse and feminist practice? Are the methods of young
artists from generation f comparable with those from the 70ies, 80ies
and 90ies?
>>> Networks by and for women become the object of an artistic strategy
because of the focus of those who are the driving forces behind them.
>>> So-called patchwork biographies are part of the strategies in the
artistic field: adaptation of production methods and approaches to work
from the worlds of business and social services as well as the
mechanisms of a Fun Culture make for a smooth transition from
production, services and the representation of social interconnections.
Mixed realities and mixed media visualize themselves in everyday life
just as they do in art, and vice versa.
Which bold visions are considered or planned the moment?
The present hegemony will be challenged! New strategies/concepts exist!
Panelists: Nine Budde/D, Leigh Haas/DE/UK, Cornelia Sollfrank/D;
Snergurutschka/A, Faith Wilding/USA,
Moderator: Kathy Rae Hufman/UK/USA
Kunst Raum /Susanne Blaimschein und Maren Richter, Goethestrasse 22 4020
+43. 732.651346-16, kunstraum@servus.at
location / organization
Kunst Uni / Linz Hauptplatz
temp : Ars Electronica
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