Halloween Party / Phoolan Devi Kollektiv
COVER FRIENDS (misfitscoverband)
... is ex- or current members of bands like H-Street, Mar or Hope Dies Last going back to their roots. And their roots are metal. But whoah, baby - we are not talking vegan mosh crap or any of that pro-life pro-god pro-idiot bullshit here ... just plain heavy fucking metal. They draw their influences equally from mid 80s Bay Area Thrash and from the early 90s Sweden style (no, dumbass, NOT At The Gates. Stuff like Shield.), which makes for a highly explosive mixture of melodic guitar leads, powerful drumming and eerie harmonies. Namedrop, namedrop: Danny of H-Street/Nothing Gold Can Stay/The Path does guest vocals on one song.
location / organization
Peter Jordanstr. 76 1190 Wien
kultur (at) tuewi.action.at
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