Wo: The Monastery, 1030 Wien, Landstraße-Hauptstraße 38/U3 Rochusgasse
Sounds: X-Over, Nu Metal, Indie, Tribalcore
Live ab 21.30: Bombsquad (Wien), Sugar for Lucy (Graz)
Dj's ab 23.30: Iguana, Kine, Sic
Special: 2 Floors (Mainfloor + Death-Metal-Chillout-Zone)
Einlass: 21.00
Eintritt: 7Ä (Bands) - ab 23.30 5Ä (Dj's)
location / organization
The Monastery
1030 Wien, Landstra?e-Hauptstra?e 38/U3 Rochusgasse
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