Die Band aus Tschechien schreibt über sich selbst:
...a new repertoir drawing inspiration from traditional folk texts,a new sound and a new formation: a trio of electric violins and viola, bassguitar, drums, voice and a lively and energetic stage show. New songs, composed in a unique way, woke the echoes on many festivals and in many clubs, where they made the audience dance and brought an extraordinary musical experience.
The trinity of inital members of the group - Jiri Kubicek (bassguitar), Ivanka Kubickova (violin), Solich (violin) - was completed by Eva Burget (viola) and Martin Rychta (drums), who previously acted in the group Cechomor.
Is it rock? Folk? Country? Underground?
It is simply great
Some people say: it is the combination of The Plastic People of the Universe, Apocalyptica and Hradistan!
Jedenfalls: Mit das Beste, was einem dieser Tage unterkommt...
a r t i s t s
- Pod Cerny Vrch
Martin Rychta
Bubensk? 23, 170 00 Praha 7
tel. (+420) 608 283 549
e-mail: martinrychta@seznam.cz
location / organization
Stumpergasse 53
1060 Wien
Tel.: 5969977
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weitere termine am 06.06.